Frequently asked questions about the Lingual by Issembert treatment

Is the Lingual by Issembert treatment covered by social security?

If the treatment starts before the age of 16, the social security covers part of the treatment and then the mutual insurance company takes over.

If treatment begins after the age of 16, there is no longer social security coverage, but there are mutual insurance companies that reimburse part of the treatment. You can contact us by phone, email or on Instagram for more information.

If the treatment is ortho-surgical and begins after the age of 16, the social security system will cover the cost of one semester of treatment.

Is the Lingual by Issembert treatment covered by the mutual insurance company?
It all depends on your contract. The coverage is not always clear. When you come for your first consultation at Dr. Issembert’s Orthodontic Office, we call your mutual insurance company to help you find out what you are covered for. If you do not have any reimbursement, we recommend the VESPER mutual insurance company, which covers orthodontics for adults very well.
If I have to have surgery, can I still have a Lingual by Issembert treatment?
Yes, at Dr. Issembert’s Orthodontic Office, we perform many cases in Lingual by Issembert with surgery. You can see many before and after cases on the Surgery page of the website.
How many times can I pay for my Lingual by Issembert treatment?
It is possible to pay for your Lingual by Issembert treatment in up to 24 instalments, free of charge. We have set up these facilities to simplify our patients’ lives.
How much does a Lingual by Issembert treatment cost?
Everything depends on the treatment. Each case being specific with many parameters, the price will depend on the case. At the end of the first orthodontic consultation, we will be able to give you a precise estimate specific to your case.
Is there any restraint after the treatment?
Yes, the retention is systematic. We place wire restraints up and down, from canine to canine on the inside of the teeth, and make safety trays for each arch. In some cases, and at the patient’s request, we do not use a wire, but the trays must be worn every night to avoid a recurrence.
How long does a Lingual by Issembert treatment last?
The duration of the Lingual by Issembert treatment varies according to each case. Most treatments last between 12 and 24 months. We pay great attention to the realization of long-lasting treatments, without recurrence. It is possible to perform faster treatments, but the results will not be the same and the stability of the result will be compromised.
Does a Lingual by Issembert treatment hurt?
Everyone gets used to braces more or less quickly. Some patients don’t notice them at all and for others it takes a few days to get used to them.
Is there an age limit to follow a Lingual by Issembert treatment?
No. Treatment is possible at any age.
Is the Lingual by Issembert treatment really invisible?
Yes, because the braces are on the inside of the teeth, you really have to look at the patient with your mouth wide open to see the appliance, which doesn’t happen in everyday life. Neither your colleagues nor your family will notice.
Can we kiss with the Lingual by Issembert?
Yes, this is not a problem.
What is the frequency of appointments?
Appointments are held every one to two months, depending on the stage and needs of the treatment. A schedule can be arranged for patients living far away in France or abroad.
Can we practice a combat sport?
Yes, with lingual orthodontics, a mouth guard is not necessary, unlike with vestibular treatment.
Can I play a wind instrument?
Yes, there is an adaptation time of a few days, after which there will be no more discomfort.
Can we sing with rings?
Yes, there is an adaptation time of a few days, after which there will be no more discomfort.
Can we eat what we want?
Only with Invisalign can you eat what you want. With other types of braces, such as lingual braces, there are some forbidden foods. You will find them in the “forbidden foods” section of the Lingual page, and we will also detail them to you in the office. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts during your treatment.
Do I have to wear a night device after my Lingual by Issembert treatment?
No. Dr. Issembert’s restraint system allows you to avoid wearing braces at night after treatment.

Still have questions about orthodontics? Visit our specialized FAQ pages or contact us directly by phone at 01 47 20 90 08 at our orthodontic practice in Paris.

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